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Woman Leader of the Year
This Award provides recognition to a member who is outstanding in her business profession, community service, and in her leadership and participation as a WIL member.

2018-19 Betsy Bladel
2017-18 Kim James
2016-17 Sara Horn
2015-16 Stephanie Petri
2014-15 No Recipient
2013-14 Ruby Thompson
2012-13 Meghan Lundeen
2011-12 Emma Vandeveer
2010-11 Traci Johnston
2009-10 Cynthia Fleming
2008-09 Louisa Blanchard
2007-08 Robin Barnes
2006-07 Allison Vershaw
2005-06 Kathy Schaeffer
2004-05 Pat Dempsey


Community Leader of the Year
This Award provides recognition to a member who is outstanding by volunteering in her community through service and leadership and participation in WIL.

2018-19 Hiral Hudson
2017-18 Jessica Ford
2016-17 Kim Martin
2015-16 Cindy Dermody
2014-15 Janet Ozuna 
2013-14 Meghan Lundeen
2012-13 Betsy Bladel
2011-12 Julie Sowers
2010-11 Betsy Yarcho
2009-10 Stacy Borho
2008-09 Allison Vershaw
2007-08 Carolynsue Wolf
2006-07 Kathy Schaeffer
2005-06 Jeanne Buysee
2004-05 Robin Barnes


Career Leader of the Year
This Award provides recognition to a member who is outstanding in her business or profession and participation in WIL.

2018-19 Trista Westhafer
2017-18 Laura Tafoya
2016-17 Jessica Ford
2015-16 Jessica Dillon
2014-15 Sara Horn
2013-14 Stephanie Petri
2012-13 Dina Emser
2011-12 Amy Durbin
2010-11 Emma Vandeveer
2009-10 Tonya Taylor
2008-09 Debbie Sippel
2007-08 Brenda Coates
2006-07 Traci Johnston
2005-06 Marcia Cannon
2004-05 Mary Jane Johnson


Outstanding New Leader

The award is administered to a WIL member who a) is currently an active paying member b) has been a member for no more than the last two (complete) membership years and has shown enthusiastic participation in WIL meetings and events.

2018-19 Yvonne Long
2017-18 Jess McMullin
2016-17 Lindsey Kerr
2015-16 Christine Hill
14-15 Elizabeth McCombs 
2013-14 Ruby Thompson
2012-13 Sarah Fletcher & Doris Symonds
2011-12 Janet Ozuna
2010-11 Ami Dean
2009-10 Amanda Douglass
2008-09 Becky Davies
2007-08 Amanda Beadles
2006-07 Amy Pearson
2005-06 Beth Kolowski
2004-05 Cynthia Burcham


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